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Our Philosophy of Healing

Updated: Feb 14, 2020

How do we approach healing wounds, and why?

Part One and Part Two of this series investigated some of the technical and demographic trends involved in wound healing. Today, we’ll discuss why we do what we do, and what our philosophy of healing is.

Our practice is founded on a few core beliefs that lie at the heart of what we do. Access to good care, and especially to wound healing services, is a right that everyone should enjoy. Those populations most affected by wounds - elderly patients in nursing facilities - deserve to be cared for in a dignified, honorable way. Healing can happen with basic resources and skilled, trained human touch, and we can track those outcomes even when the circumstances are difficult.

That’s why our mission is to touch and improve as many lives as possible; to deliver service where it has never normally been delivered, in an innovative way; to provide the best outcomes for patients and all stakeholders; and to work as partners and team members with nurses.

How do we do this? By focusing on a few key areas across everything we do.


We care deeply about our patients and partners: no matter the situation, we work to heal every day. We make it a habit to be prepared, to be punctual, to treat others with great respect, and to deliver exceptional results.


Our work is a privilege, not a chore. We are taking care of members of our community: the families and friends of our neighbors (or even our own families). We are team members, and we treat everyone we encounter with dignity and respect.

We have fun and joy in our work because we’re doing important and meaningful healing that makes a difference in our patients’ lives. We celebrate our achievements, and we stay positive and optimistic in our efforts to transform healthcare and change lives.

There will always be challenges, and there will be setbacks. But our perspective, our attitude, our teamwork, and our commitment to our cause carries us through the rough spots.


We aren’t satisfied with being average. We’re always setting, reaching, and exceeding the next goal: we challenge ourselves to bring our best selves to the team, every day. We seek to raise the bar for ourselves and others across the healthcare profession.

We’re accountable: we do what we say we’re going to do, when we say we’ll do it. Stuff gets done. On time. We exceed expectations, and if we don’t know what the metrics for success are, we ask...and then we push further. We strive to surpass our best, each day, with each patient, and with each opportunity to heal.


We jump at the chance to learn something new! All of us are in a constant state of education. We read books, attend seminars, and speak to others in our field. We seek out mentors and training to strengthen ourselves, and we share that strength whenever we can. We pass on our education to the team, because we are a part of a larger system of teachers and learners.

Together, we’ll make healthcare better, but we know that we can’t do it alone. We know that knowledge and experience are precious gifts, and we share them with everyone we can.

Read PART ONE > More patients, older patients, sicker patients: What’s it mean?

Read PART TWO > How do chronic conditions impact wound care?


Skilled Wound Care is a mobile surgical practice committed to transforming the chronic wound care model in nursing facilities. Wound care experts make weekly bedside visits to patients in long-term care facilities, avoiding transfers to hospitals or clinics. Our expert physicians give patients the most up-to-date and effective wound treatments, and educate facility staff on how to help patients continue to heal quickly and effectively between visits. This model of collaborative care allows SWC’s physicians to improve patients’ lives and health outcomes, to empower nursing staff, and to raise public awareness. Skilled Wound Care, along with its nurse and nursing home partners, is working every day to positively transform traditional nursing home wound care.

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