Woundposium Agenda:
Break Through Updates from the
SWC Program and Partnership
30 Second Updates:
Pressure Ulcer Staging Strategies
Super Tips for a 5 Star
Pressure Ulcer SNF Program
The Pen is mightier than the sword:
Documentation for Success
Amazing Ambulation:
Heal those lower extremity wounds!
Bizarre case studies
from the crypt
Who wore it better?
Wound Dressing Strategies for 2019!!!
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15960, for 8 Contact Hours. This will be A 1 day course covering all things Wound Care. You will receive 8 contact hours (Continuing Education Hours) and Clinical Speakers:
Henry Okonkwo PA-C Chief Clinical officer SWC, Dr. Bardia Anvar M.D. Practice President SWC.
Continental Breakfast and Plated lunch will be provided.